High Voltage and Spikes damage electronic equipment (e.g. TV, video, computers) and Low Voltage damages compressors and motors (e.g. Fridges, air conditioners, and pumps). Some machines contain both electronics and motors (e.g. Photocopiers, microwave ovens) so need protection against both high and low voltage.
Yes. A series of small surges or one large power surge can have a catastrophic effect on your fridge/freezers compressor which can reduce the performance of the appliance or even stop it from working. For other appliances high voltage can damage the computer or electrics causing malfunction and burnout.
Yes, this is one of the multiple benefits that a FridgeGuard will provide by ensuring the compressor continues to operate reliably and efficiently within its designed voltage range. In addition, the FridgeGuard will protect against mains borne spikes and surges that can damage its electronic controller.
The Time delay (AVS Function) is very important to allow compressor gasses to neutralise inside your fridge/freezer. If this does not happen, then it can be very damaging to the compressor and can cause total appliance failure. After a power cut, voltages can fluctuate, the time delay prevents appliances unnecessarily turning ON/OFF (which can cause damage) as power stabilises.
The Timesave function means your fridge/freezer will only be off for the minimum amount of time to allow safe conditions/operation. If the Guard has been OFF for more than the standard time delay of 3 minutes, Intelligent TimeSave function will make it restart within 10 seconds when normal power resumes rather than wait a further 3 minutes.
Power surge that may destroy a fridge would be a high voltage. Fridge guard does not protect against high voltage. You may make a claim to Kenya Power and Lighting.
A Stabiliser is not normally a protection device unless it has the AVS function built-in. A stabilizer is intended to correct the incoming voltage to an acceptable level. However, if the voltage fluctuates outside the range of the stabilizer then the voltage correction might not be adequately safe for your equipment. For this reason, we build the AVS function into our SVS range of stabilizers in order to DISCONNECT the power & then reconnect it automatically once the voltage is within safe limits again.
Depends on the Amps rating on the AVS such as the AVS13 is rated at 13Amps, AVS15 at 15Amps, AVS30 rated at 30Amps and so on. You can connect a multi-plug extension cord with as many appliances as you wish as long as you do not exceed the rating of the AVS.
No. The AVS protects against Surges, Spikes, Over-Voltage, Undervoltage, Power Back Surges. It also incorporates a 1-minute delay on startup and after power cuts to ensure the stability of the power before re-connection.
Normally, after the wait period is over and the voltage has returned to standard levels the green light will come on and power will pass to your appliance. If the green light is on and no power is bypassing to appliance, please check first for loose connections on the sockets. If none is found, take it to an Authorised Sollatek Service center as it could be the relay has failed. You have a 5 year warranty non the product, so if it is still under warranty you will not be charged.
The time delay at manufacturing is not set identically on all AVS30 units. This will allow units to start at slightly different delay. So if multiple Sollatek units are protecting multiple loads (like Air conditioners), when the power returns to normal after a power cut, not all A/Cs start at exactly the same time. This will help prevent an inrush current on return of power.
Yes, solar hybrid system can be installed to generator power along side KLPC during daylight hours. At night, you will need a battery bank to store the power generated by the solar if KLPC goes off. The other option is to install a power back up system. This consists of an inverter and battery bank. KLPC charges up the battery bank and during a power outage, using an automatic charge over switch, you can draw on the power stored in your batteries. This is a good option if your goal is to have regular power supply. If you want to reduce your dependence on KLPC and power bills, then look at solar option.
No. Car batteries produce high amount of energy within a short period of time. Enough to start your car. Solar batteries, on the other hand, work slowly by steady by providing needed voltage to run your home or load over longer period of time. Car batteries will not perform in a solar system as it will release all their power at once and then go flat. This spike can also lead to damage to your system or load.
Generally solar or windpowered systems ( and Gensets of 5kva and above) deliver clean power. The only surge protectors you may need are for lightning protection in areas notorious for lightning storms. Otherwise there is no need to protect your equipment against power from solar, or wind.